Permanência dos ministros das Relações Exteriores e do Meio Ambiente contamina qualquer tentativa de apaziguar investidores europeus preocupados com...
No dia 5 de agosto, acontece o webinar ‘The Politics of the EU-Mercosur trade deal’, com a convidada Emily Rees, Senior Fellow da...
A Problem for German Trade Ambitions: Brazil’s Environment Minister (Americas Quarterly)
(Photo by Yasuyoshi CHIBA/AFP via Getty Images) BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JULY 30, 2023 Competing visions in Berlin reveal broader dilemma about...
Undergraduate Seminar: Brazilian Foreign Policy (FGV RI)
Photo: Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff, left, and US Vice President Joe Biden hold a bilateral meeting after she was sworn in for a second...
Entrevista: ‘Nem EUA nem China estão interessados em encerrar disputa’ (Estadão)
Para professor de relações internacionais da FGV, opinião pública chinesa e americana esperam respostas à altura para a disputa entre as duas nações...
小米10/9 红米k30/k20 如何安装谷歌服务框架商店? – 谷歌 ...:小米手机的MIUI系统安装谷歌服务框架和商店比较简单,之前的小米8,小米note 红米系列只要安装一个谷歌安装器一键安装就行了,或者单独安装谷歌四件套,挂上梯子就可伍了. 最近小米新出的手机,比如小米10,红米K30 MIUI11开始内置了谷歌服务,默认是禁用的,自己手动启用一下.再安装一个谷歌商店,挂上 ...
Interview: “Warum Bolsonaro Brasilien ins Corona-Chaos stürzen lässt”
Brasilien ist der fünftgrößte Staat der Erde – und seit Wochen eines der Länder, in denen das Coronavirus am heftigsten wütet: rund 70.000...
Interview: ‘Brazil: a country without a plan’ (Financial Times)
Brazil this week became the second country after the US to register more than 50,000 deaths from Covid-19. President Bolsonaro’s mis-handling of the...
Webinar: “The Future of the US Presidential Elections and the Future of US-Brazil Relations”
“The US Presidential Election and the Future of US-Brazil Relations”, ministrada por Michael Camilleri, da Inter-American Dialogue...
Huawei or Not? Brazil Faces a Key Geopolitical Choice (Americas Quarterly)
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | JUNE 30, 2023 The government has to choose between U.S. and China for its 5G network — while battling deep political...
Civil unrest in the United States following the death of George Floyd in police custody has exposed police violence and racism in the country...
Brasil pagará um preço incalculável por ter um presidente incapaz na pandemia (EL PAÍS)
O coronavírus provavelmente moldará nossa era mais do que qualquer outro evento, elevando governantes mundo afora à posição de líderes cujas decisões...
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Recorded in May 2023. 2023 will be remembered as the year when a novel strain of coronavirus spread around the globe, leaving a trail of...
Imagem do País tem desgaste inédito (Estado de São Paulo)
Debate Internacional sobre o Brasil é marcado pelo espanto ANÁLISE: Oliver Stuenkel, O Estado de S.Paulo 25 de maio de 2023 | 04h00 A atitude...
Brazil’s Opposition Is Still Divided. Here’s Why (Americas Quarterly)
BY OLIVER STUENKEL | MAY 21, 2023 COVID-19 is putting pressure on Jair Bolsonaro. But calls for a united opposition ignore political realities...
Global Summitry Podcasts, Ep.20: Oliver Della Costa Stuenkel on Brazil’s Response to Covid-19
It was a pleasure to sit down again with Oliver Della Costa Stuenkel to discuss Brazil and indeed the region. This session with Oliver was designed...
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